Christian Contemporary radios in German
Christian Contemporary radios in German
15 stations
Radio Maria
104.7 FM - Vienna, Austria
Life Channel
Zurich, Switzerland
ERF Plus
Bavaria, Germany
Radio Maria
Zurich, Switzerland
Gemeinde Gottes Gifhorn
Lower Saxony, Germany
Neue Hoffnung
Zurich, Switzerland
ERF Jess
Hesse, Germany
Cristiana Cielo Radio
Basel-Stadt, Switzerland
Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
Cristiana Salsa Tropical
Basel-Stadt, Switzerland
Ichtys Radio
Berlin, Germany
Die Neue Zeit
In the sign of the lily in the messianic and sophianic era
Powerhouse Gospel Radio
Berlin, Germany
Studio Nahe Radio
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Münchner Kirchenradio
Bavaria, Germany