Radios from La Paz, Bolivia in Spanish
Radios from La Paz, La Paz, Bolivia in Spanish
118 stations
Radio Panamericana
96.1 FM - Panamericana… 46 years in the heart of Bolivians
Radio Fides
101.5 FM - Radio Fides, ... it's the people
ATB Radio
ATB Radio throughout Bolivia
La Paz
96.7 FM - Always by your side
Radio Ciudad
91.3 FM - 100% music
La Paz
Radio Gigante
94.9 FM - The radio that other radios listen to
Radio Bolivia
Always with you
Radio Éxito
93.1 FM - La Paz
103.9 FM - La Paz
100.3 FM - The station that lives in you
Radio San Gabriel
620 AM - The voice of the Aymara people
Radio Gente
88.9 FM - La Paz
Radio Fides Cochabamba
94.9 FM - Radio Fides, ... it's the people
Radio Qhana
98.5 FM - La Paz
Asi Somo
104.8 FM - Even if they mock, criticize, or questi...
Mix Bolivia
106.5 FM - the sound of the street
99.1 FM - La Paz
Red Patria Nueva
94.3 FM - The signal that unites the people
La Luz de Dios
Frequency of life
Radio La Joya Bolivia
93.9 FM - Originals like you
Radio Deseo
103.3 FM - This is the radio of Women Creating
Stereo 97
97.3 FM - La Paz
VH Radio
La Paz
Radio Folklore Nacional
Folkloric radio of Bolivia
With you online wherever you are...
La Super 90
The radio that plays your music.
Radio La Favorita
It’s a pleasure to listen
Radio Unión Zárate
96.4 FM - We are the first in cumbia and folk music
The voice of those who have no voice
Radio Maspi
Music for everyone
Radio Integración
640 AM - Connecting millions
Radio Camotito
93.9 FM - Always with you
Bolivia Latina
The radio of my land
Radio Illimani
94.3 FM - The Voice of Bolivia
Altiplano ADvenir
820 AM - Because just a little more, and the one w...
Radio Silver
95.3 FM - The radio that plays...
Radio DJ TV
La Paz
Radio Play Unica
Radio that plays everything
Radio Pueblo
1280 AM - Closer to you
Cristiana Reformada
La Paz
Red Siglo XXI
Communication without borders
San Gabriel
98.2 FM - La Paz
Radio Revolucion
Fight for life and freedom
Radio Lider
It gives you more.
Dosis Diaria
24/7 music and more!
97.1 FM - La Paz
Radio Comunidad
1340 AM - The station that accompanies you
Radio Majestad
105.7 FM - La Paz
50 Years of Rock and Pop - No Words, Only Good Music 24/7.
Antena 3
Feel your music
Studio Digital
Varied music and nothing more
Radio Bohemia Gitana
Designed for bohemian people
Mega Estación
Only hits
Meditation is the daily bread
Radio Pueblo
1280 AM - Closer to you
Radio Gnosis
The Gnostic teaching delivered by V.M. Samael Aun Weor
Radio Markasa
The Radio of the People
Radio Star Bolivia
100.5 FM - La Paz
Radio Boliviana Digital
106.9 FM - We are part of your life
Radio La Paz
Bringing peace to everyone
Radio Alternativa
Today students, tomorrow leaders
Zed Stereo
La Paz
Radio Jaime Mendoza Nava
The music of the Bolivian composer Jaime Mendoza Nava
Radio Enlace Bolivia
Passion for music
Generacion de Fuego
Preaching the word to the nations
Radio Única
105.3 FM - Because history is here
Radio Impactando tu Vida
Always by your side.
La Luz Del Tiempo
Entrust your works to the Lord
Origen Caranavi
102.5 FM - La Paz
In the whole city of the country
Planeta Radio
La Paz
Radio 7
98.1 FM - The path of light and hope
Vale Web Radio
1340 AM - Online tuning
La Luz Del Tiempo
Entrust your works to the Lord,
Mi STeiShiOn
Plus M "24/7"
Radio Sterio
108 FM - La Paz
Antena3 Bolivia Super Hits
Feel your music
Alta Energía
La Paz
Vale Web Radio
1340 AM - Closer to you
El Deber
103.3 FM - La Paz
Radio Compañera
106.3 FM - La Paz
Radio Fox
The radio that makes a difference
Radio Kantuta
101.8 FM - La Paz
92.5 FM - Stars always in the air!
El Derribador
La Paz
Radio Inspiracion Divina
La Paz
ANH Radio
La Paz
Radio Cepra
89.2 FM - La Paz
La Doble
88.3 FM - La Paz
Radio Pachamama
106 FM - From the city of El Alto to the world
Radio Splendid
1220 AM - La Paz
940 AM - La Paz
Radio Andina
680 AM - La Paz
Radio Zeta
88.5 FM - Only hits...!!!
Dtur Bolivia
Virtual trip
Cadena Radial Mi Bolivia
La Paz
Radio Exodo
The Sound of Heaven's Manna
Radio Méndez
660 AM - La Paz
Radio Arca de Fuego
1280 AM - La Paz
104.5 FM - La Paz
Party Fun
La Paz
Deejay Bolivia
104.2 FM - One nation, one station
Radio Emotion
the radio that inspires
Radio Gozo y Paz
Peace for your life
Global Idea Latino
The best music for enjoyment
Radio Poder Milagros
Signal that builds your life
Radio Solidaria
91 FM - A clean and different radio
Tribuna Radio
Finally some normal people
87.8 FM - The hottest radio
Radio Taypi
1000 AM - La Paz
105.1 FM - Rap music
Radio Copusquia
La Paz
Radio Fortaleza
103.5 FM - La Paz
La Poderosa
980 AM - La Paz
Emotion Bolivia
for mahib sessions
Radio Caranavi
96.3 FM - La Paz
La Paz