Music radios from La Plata, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
Music radios from La Plata, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
22 stations
Solo Rock Nacional
Only rock 24 hours.
Red 92
92.1 FM - more every day!
106.5 FM - La Plata
Vive Rock
100% rock
Radio La Plata
90.9 FM - The radio for everyone...
Radio Oasis
95.5 FM - The Station that Stimulates Your Senses
Gravity Radio
105.3 FM - Everywhere
El Rey Jesús
89.5 FM - 24 hours a signal of blessing
Radio La Rockera
100% Hispanic rock
Radio Haikaru
the station that harmonizes your senses
Nuevos Aires Radio
99.7 FM - We are passionate about radio
FM Platense
89.9 FM - The 90 of La Plata
Rasec Sinfónico
A radio for Charito
Radio Rasec Criollísimo
100% Peruvian
Radio Rasec Internacional
A radio made for you
Radio La Matoli
The radio of La Matoli
Radio Estación
La Plata
Radio BBP
100% music 100% rock
Radio New Music Star
Idols of tomorrow
Radio Rasec Latinoamérica
The radio of Jibao
La Plata
Radio Hache
We don't know about classics... We are classics.