Radios from Lima, Peru
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OD Noticias
The truth of the news!
NSE Radio América
Red Radio Integridad
La Hispana
Live your music in Spanish.
Radio Oriente
560 AM - The original
Radio Onda
Relive your memories!
New Wave & Post Punk
New wave 80's, post-punk, synthpop
Fuego Cristiano
Sound of faith that blesses you
La Vero Radio Romantica
Only ballads and Latin pop
Radio Ozono
101.7 FM - Lima
Radio Chalaca
Radio All Star
All your stars of rock & pop online
Radio La Familia
105.1 FM - Lima
Radio Cielo Salsa
Elevate your life
Radio Cielo
1010 AM - Sowing love and awareness
Radio G
A radio from Peru for the world... Enjoy it!
Radio Ondas del Rio Mayo
105.7 FM - Lima
RBC La Estacion
The other way to live
Zona Retro
Music that stands the test of time
Classics Tracks
All metal, rock & pop
Stereo 88
More than a radio
NSE Radio España
1180 AM - Lima
Radio Bendicion
Announcing the Kingdom of God
Radio Ritmo
97.5 FM - More ballads, more love!
Canto Grande Radio
Level Hits
Jesús Vive
Broadcasting with the Power of the Holy Spirit
Radio Sucre
100.5 FM - Lima
the best music you can imagine
Alpha Stereo
Your music forever.
Puro Sur
Lima City Radio
Cadena Cristiana
95.1 FM - Always in the love of God
Radio Exito
1060 AM - Lima
DUNK Radio
The only way is up ♫
Radio Jaen Mix
Radio La Caja
We dust off classics
Ritmo y Romance
Number one in your heart, always with the originals
Rock and Rally
Metropolitana Radio
1040 AM - Lima
Remembranzas del Criollismo
Peru first
Fuego Lima
It's on fire
Kool Rock Radio
Radio Sintonía
tuning without limits
Radio FM Lima
Radio Uranio
Music that reactivates you
El Atico
The best music of all times...!
RBC Satelital
104.7 FM - Lima
ETP Huacho
101.7 FM - because radio can also be seen
Imperio Kpop
Music and more
Estación Gozo Radio
Transforming lives for Christ
Fans Stereo
With a unique style
Radio Fascinación
Beautiful music, beautiful voices!
Strength lives in me
La Uncion
the anointing in your music!
Radio FiliplayTv
Radio Estación Satélite
The best music you can imagine
Café Radio
We express your style in music
Radio Synthpop
Your flaw... perfect.
Radio Inkafuego
104.3 FM - Power you can feel
Radio Líder
Activating your senses
Jov Radio
Jov Radio Rock and Pop
Radios Unidas
For everyone in the world
Cielo Cumbia Radio
Elevate your life
Megatron Mix Lima
98.5 FM - Without classics, it's impossible
Radio Vida
95.5 FM - Lima
Festival Musical Radio
98.9 FM - The Most Diverse
Radio Capital Perú
93.7 FM - Radio Capital - The radio of Peru
Radio Power Perú
Eco Stereo Celestial
With the celestial sound
Stereo Lima
La Tonera
Radio Televisión Perú
The radio with identity
Planicie Peru
Rock in your language
Radio El Oso
The radio where rock and pop come alive!
Super Stereo
With good music
Peru Radio
From Peru to the World
RocaFM Lima Perú
99.1 FM - Your radio, your music
Radio Perfeccion
98.1 FM - Classics for life
La Gloria de Dios Estéreo
returning to the old paths
Alpha Plus Radio
Because FM is no longer enough
Radio Feliz
1110 AM - only for intelligent people
Ruta Citypop
The best city pop artists are here!
Radio Espacial
102.1 FM - above all
Radio Star Mix
connecting you to music
RCM - Radio Cristo en Mi
Music that speaks to you
New Wave Transmission
Santa Clara Radio
From Santa Clara Ate Lima, Peru to the World
Rocio y Sus Amigos
always together in distance
Reactor Rock
The power of new music
Radio Nutrisalud Pasco
By Your Side
Radio Stereo Onda Sat
Preaching the powerful word of God
La Voz Unicachi Radio
Always with you..
Radio Mi Perú
Your voice, your music
Vida Mejor Radio
A Radio with Spirit
Barrio Juvenil Música Radio
Give your best effort
Radio Interactiva Online
Radio Vision Peru
91.5 FM - The best of all
Indie Radio
Radio Fama
106.7 FM - Lima
Where there is party, there is festa!
Sol Frecuencia Primera
ABN Radio
Broadcasting life!
Stereo Grande Radio
Generating success... 24 hours a day
Radio Vj Clásica
The station that moves you
Radio Tropical Perú
Another Level
Radio Mega Stereo
97.7 FM - live in your mind
Activa Radio
A radio that truly knows how to be with you
Radio Canteña
98.9 FM - You love it.
Radio Alegría - Grau
106.3 FM - Power that is felt
La RZ Classics
The perfect formula for rock and pop
Radio Alegría Super Stereo
Power that is felt
Radio Jah Lima
Your memories in every song.
Radio Latina Digital
98.5 FM - The One That Leads
Frequency 5 - Radio A
The romantic station of Peru
Radio Estación Paraíso
Proclaiming good news of salvation
Radio VJ Rock and Pop
the station that moves you
Radio Cantemos
Promoting new values.