Radios from Momostenango, Totonicapán, Guatemala in Spanish
Radios from Momostenango, Totonicapán, Guatemala in Spanish
13 stations
La Grande de Rancho
where your hits sound
Stereo Clasica
The voice of Momostenango!
La Super Momosteca
From Momostenango to the world!
Stereo Pasucqueña
91.5 FM - The princess of hits!
La Super Musiquera
Music is what we have!
Stereo Amistad
89.7 FM - Momostenango
La Grande Radio
Oh God!
Stereo la Explosia
The Boom of the Radios
Pitzal Stereo
Music to your liking
Radio La Joya
The power you can feel!
Melodias de Bendicion
Blessing your life
Asunción Stereo
101.9 FM - the missionary voice
Radio Imperactiva
Crossing borders!